Go Community Linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Go community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

Contributing to Open Source Git Repositories in Go

The perfect explanation of how to commit to open source Go projects.


 Mark Bates

Introducing vice: Go channels across many machines

Vice abstracts message queue technologies and gives you plain old Go channels through which you can communicate instead.

Blog Post

 Brian Scott

Dep 0.2.0 Released

 Brian Scott

A detailed tutorial on Channels


Buffalo v0.9.2 Released!

This is primarily a big bug patch and enhancement release. There are a few new things, but a lot of what is in this release came out of the great bug reports found during GopherCon.


 Mark Bates

GopherCon 2017 Talks

 Brian Scott

bolter - Command-line app for viewing BoltDB file in your terminal

 Hasit Mistry

Gobular - Go Regular Expression Tester

Inspired by the awesome rubular.com, Gobular let's you test your Go regular expressions online, quickly.

Built using the Buffalo framework, the source can be found at https://github.com/markbates/gobular.


 Mark Bates

Configure VS Code & Delve for your Buffalo App or Go Binary

 Brian Scott

Kubicorn - Create, manage, snapshot, and scale Kubernetes infrastructure in the public cloud.

Kubicorn - Create, manage, snapshot, and scale Kubernetes infrastructure in the public cloud.

 Brian Scott

Gramework - fast, effective and production ready web framework

Gramework - One of the fastest framework written in Go, while respecting the licenses. Bringing convenient, useful high performance battle-tested solutions to opensource.

 Kirill Danshin

Understanding Channels - Speakerdeck

Understanding Channels deck from GopherCon 2017.

 Brian Scott

dep - Go package management


More info: sdboyer.io/dep-status

 Brian Scott

uiprogress package

uiprogress - A go library to render progress bars in terminal applications

 Brian Scott

Go-Pry - A Go REPL

go-pry a interactive REPL for Go that allows you to drop into your code at any point.

 Brian Scott

Golang Pros & Cons for DevOps (Part 3 of 6): Speed vs. Lack of Generics

This is our six-part series on Golang Pros and Cons for using Go in a DevOps development cycle. In this one, we discuss Golang’s runtime, compilation, and maintenance speed (the pros); and lack of generics (the) con).

Read More

 Brian Scott

Working on MySQL with Go

 Brian Scott

Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.

Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language. The goal of the project is to provide a simple, full featured debugging tool for Go. Delve should be easy to invoke and easy to use. Chances are if you're using a debugger, things aren't going your way. With that in mind, Delve should stay out of your way as much as possible.

VS Code Integration

 Brian Scott